This was how my office life ended. I cleared some paperwork in the morning. I packed up my stuff in the afternoon and headed home (My study table is in a huge mess with all my office stuff). And I left in the evening for a great dinner and drink session with my ex-colleagues (Interesting to note how we never hang out after work, until someone leaves the company)
I have just quit my full time job after 5 and a half years. It was an amazing journey, having acquired new knowledge and known great friends. It was indeed a hard decision to quit but it was necessary. Things were getting too comfortable until I felt so uncomfortable (Sounds crazy, isn’t it?) It is time to make myself uncomfortable and turn my dream into reality. My dream is very simple. I just want to work for myself.
I had led a scheduled life for most of my life, just like everyone else. From primary school to secondary school to polytechnic to army to university to working, everything was based on a timetable. I had to report to school before 7am. I had to attend the lecture at 2pm. I could only book out at 7pm. I had to reach office at 830am everyday. I had little control over my time and craved for freedom to do what I want at my own pace.
That power of freedom has arrived. I can wake up at 12pm. I can hit the gym at 2pm. I can start work at 9pm. I can drink till 2am. This power certainly sounds very exciting. On the other hand, it is equally scary. There is no one to force me to work. There is no one to pay me every month. There is no one to judge my performance. There is no schedule for me to follow. It is not easy to switch from a scheduled life to a life with total control.
I need to have a plan.
This is what I plan to do on my first day of independence
- Go for a run in the morning
- Meet a friend for lunch in town
- Work on my websites in the afternoon
- Meet my girlfriend for dinner.
The plan looks pretty good.
And this is what I plan to do for the rest of this year.
- Bring to another level
- Improve my cooking skills
- Improve my physique
- Know more people
- Teach on a part time basis
Looks pretty nice too. Well, planning is one thing. Following the plan is a different ballgame. A good way to start the plan is to blog regularly (which I know I have not been doing so) about things that I have learned and experienced. It is a good way to keep myself in check and to maintain that sense of self-discipline.
I shall end this post by sharing this quote which I personally like
Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear—and doubt. Self-discipline allows a pitcher to feel his individuality, his inner strength, his talent. He is master of, rather than a slave to, his thoughts and emotions.
Have an awesome weekend ahead!